St Peter and St Paul's Church, Ospringe

St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Ospringe

The church of St Peter and St Paul in Ospringe near Faversham in Kent is listed grade II* and dates from 1200 with a 14thcentury chancel and 15th century fenestration and was rebuilt and restored in the 19th century by E L Blackburne. The church is within the Diocese of Canterbury and includes the adjacent Bier House and Lychgate which are listed grade II with three grade II listed monuments in the closed church yard adjacent. The practice was appointed as Inspecting Architect for the church in 2022 and work has included advising on inspections and monitoring by a specialist conservation accredited structural engineer relating to movement within the Victorian tower which forms part of the restorations undertaken to the church by Blackburne. Early discussions have also been undertaken with the Parochial Parish Council relating to on-going repairs, potential internal re-ordering of the parish room, the Vestry, and facilities for community events.

Fiona Raley